邮箱:wangjianliang305@163.com; wangjianliang@cup.edu.cn
2012.9-2013.9 瑞典乌普萨拉大学地球科学系 国家留学基金委公派联合培养
2011.9-2014.6 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程管理专业博士学位(免试)
2009.9-2011.6 中国石油大学(北京)金融学专业硕士学位(免试)
2005.9-2009.6 中国石油大学(北京)市场营销专业、石油工程专业学士学位
2019.1- 中国石油大学(北京)经济管理澳门威尼斯人 副教授 博导(校拔尖人才)
2018.1- 2018.12 中国石油大学(北京)工商管理澳门威尼斯人 院长助理 副教授 博导(校拔尖人才)
2017.11-2017.12 北京市哲学社会科学教学科研骨干研修班(第7期)学习
2017.6-2017.12 中国石油大学(北京)工商管理澳门威尼斯人 院长助理 副教授,硕导(校拔尖人才)
2016.7-2017.5 中国石油大学(北京)工商管理澳门威尼斯人 副教授,硕导(校拔尖人才)
2014.7-2016.6 中国石油大学(北京)工商管理澳门威尼斯人 讲师,硕导(校拔尖人才)
4)国际合作项目:Studies of the future trends of Chinese coal market and potential growth in global fossil fuels supply。项目执行期:2014.3-2014.9;项目负责人。
1)Wang, J.L.*, Liu, X.J., Geng, X., Bentley, Y.M., Zhang, C.H., Yang, Y.R. Water Footprint Assessment for Coal-to-Gas in China. Natural Resources Research, 2019. In press.
2) Wang J.L. *, Liu M.M., Bentley Y.M., Feng L.Y., Zhang C.H. Water Use for Shale Gas Extraction in the Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 226: 13-21.
3) Wang J.L. *, Yang Y., Bentley, Y.M., Geng X., Liu X.J. Sustainability Assessment of Bioenergy from a Global Perspective: A Review. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 2739.
4) Wang J.L. *, Bentley Y.M., Bentley R. Modeling India's coal production with a negatively skewed curve-fitting model. Natural Resources Research, 2018, 27(3): 365-378.
5) Wang J.L. *, Feng J.X., Bentley Y.M., Feng L.Y., Qu H. A review of physical supply and EROI of fossil fuels in China. Petroleum Science, 2017,14(4): 806-821.
6) Wang J.L.*, Liu M.M., McLellanc B.C., Tang X., Feng L.Y. Environmental impacts of shale gas development in China: A hybrid life cycle analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 120: 38-45.
7) Wang J.L.*, Feng L.Y., Tang X., Bentley Y.M., H??k M. The implications of fossil fuel supply constraints on climate change projections: A supply-side analysis. Futures, 2017. 86: 58-72.
8) Wang J.L.*, Feng L.Y. Curve-fitting models for fossil fuel production forecasting: Key influence factors. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 32, 138-149.
9) Wang J.L., Mohr S., Feng L.Y., Liu H.H.*, Tverberg G.E. Analysis of resource potential for China’s unconventional gas and forecast for its long-term production growth. Energy Policy, 2016, 88, 389-401
10) Wang J.L.*, Feng L.Y. Mohr S. Tang X. Tverberg E.G. Hook M. China's unconventional oil: a review of its resources and outlook for long-term production. Energy, 2015, 82, 31-42.
11) Wang, J.L., Feng, L.Y., Davidsson, S., H??k, M*. Chinese coal supply and future production outlooks. Energy , 2013, 60, 204-214.
12) Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Tverberg, G.E. An analysis of China's coal supply and its impact on China's future economic growth. Energy Policy , 2013, 57, 542-551.
13) Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Zhao, L., Snowden, S. China's natural gas: Resources, production and its impacts. Energy Policy , 2013, 55, 690-698.
14) Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Zhao, L., Snowden, S., Wang, X. A comparison of two typical multicyclic models used to forecast the world’s conventional oil production. Energy Policy , 2011, 39(12): 7616-7621.
15) Wang, J.L.*, Feng, L.Y., Tverberg, G.E. Chinese Latest Long-Term Oil Production Planning: Is it Achievable? Geopolitics of Energy , 2013, 35(11/12): 12-17.
16) Wang J.L., Mohr S., Ellem G., Ward J., Giurco D., Bentley R. Production Outlook for Global Fossil Fuel Resources, and Resulting CO2 Emissions. The Oil Age, 2017, 3(2): 43- 74.
17) Liu H.H., Chen Z.M., Wang J.L. *, Fan J.H. The impact of resource tax reform on China’s coal industry. Energy Economics, 2017, 61: 52-61.
18) Thorbjornsson A., Watchtmeister H., Wang J.L.*, Hook M. Carbon capture and coal consumption: Implications of energy penalties and large scale deployment. Energy Strategy Reviews. 2015, 7: 18-28.
19) Ren, K.P., Tang, X.*, Jin, Y., Wang, J.L., Feng, C.Y., H??k M. Bi-objective optimization of water management in shale gas exploration with uncertainty: A case study from Sichuan, China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2019, 143, 226-235.
20) Li W.L., Yang G.F.*, Li X.N., Sun T., Wang J.L. Cluster analysis of the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 225: 459-471.
21) Feng J.X., Feng L.Y.*, Wang J.L. Analysis of Point-of-Use EROI and Net Energy Yields from China’s Conventional Fossil Fuels. Energies, 2018, 11, 313.
22) Feng J.X., Feng L.Y.*, Wang J.L., Carey W.K. Modeling the point of use EROI and its implications for economic growth in China. Energy, 2018, 144: 232-242. (SCI)
23) Tang X., Jin Y., Mclellan B.C., Wang J.L., Li S. China’s coal consumption declining—Impermanent or permanent?. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 2018, 129, 307-313.
24) Cheng C., Wang Z.*, Wang J.L., Liu M.M., Ren X.H. Domestic oil and gas or imported oil and gas – An energy return on investment perspective. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 2018, 136,63-76.
25) Wang K., Vredenburg H., Wang J.L., Xiong Y., Feng L.Y*. Energy Return on Investment of Canadian Oil Sands Extraction from 2009 to 2015. Energies 2017, 10(5), 614
26) Chen YC, Feng LY*, Wang JL, H??k M. Emergy-based energy return on investment method for evaluating energy exploitation[J]. Energy, 2017, 128:540–549. (2017年6月)
27) Tang X. *, Jin Y., Wang X.C., Wang J.L., McLellan B.C. Will China’s trade restructuring reduce CO2 emissions embodied in international exports? [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 161, 1094-1103.
28) Jin Y, Tang X, Feng C Y, Wang J.L., Zhang B.S. Establishment of a multi-cycle generalized Weng model and its application in forecasts of global oil supply[J]. Petroleum Science, 2017, 14(3): 616-621.
29) Yang G.F.*, Li W.L., Wang J.L., Zhang D.Q. A comparative study on the influential factors of China's provincial energy intensity. Energy Policy, 2016, 88, 74-85
30) Wang K., Feng L.Y., Wang J.L., Xiong Y., Tverberg, G.E.* An oil production forecast for China considering economic limits. Energy, 2016, 113, 586–596.
31) Guo R., Luo D.K.*, Zhao X., Wang J.L. Integrated Evaluation Method-Based Technical and Economic Factors for International Oil Exploration Projects. Sustainability 2016, 8(2), 188
32) Mohr, S*, Wang, J.L., Ellem, G., Ward, J., Giurco, D. Projection of World Fossil Fuels by Country. Fuel, 2015 (141): 120-135.
33) Yang G.F., Li X.N., Wang J.L., Lian L.*, Ma T.J. Modeling oil production based on symbolic regression. Energy Policy, 2015, 82, 48-61
34) Yang G.F.*, Sun T., Wang J.L., Li X.N. Modeling the nexus between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth. Energy Policy, 2015, 86, 104-117
35) Xu B.*, Feng L.Y., Wei W.X., Hu Y., Wang J.L. A Preliminary Forecast of the Production Status of China’s Daqing Oil field from the Perspective of EROI. Sustainability 2014, 6 , 8262-8282.
36) Hu, Y. *, Hall, C.A.S., Wang, J.L., Feng, L.Y., Poisson, A. Energy Return on Investment (EROI) of China's conventional fossil fuels: Historical and future trends. Energy , 2013, 54, 352-364.
37) 王建良*,雷昌然. 基于数据挖掘技术的天然气价格预测方法研究.中国矿业, 2019, 已接受
38) 王建良*, 冯连勇. 页岩气开发水资源影响及温室气体排放研究评述.中国矿业.2016,25(4): 61-67.
39) 陈英超, 冯连勇, 王建良. 基于能值的能源投入回报方法及其应用——以大庆油田为例[J]. 资源科学, 2016, 38(12):2270-2282.
40) 王建良*, 冯连勇. 世界石油出口能力预测及对中国石油进口的影响.预测, 2011,30(3):6-10
41) 王建良,冯连勇.化石能源资源约束与气候变化.北京:科学出版社, 2017.
42) 唐旭, 王建良. 能源经济学.北京:石油工野拿磐崴谷琐版社, 2017.
43) Feng, L.Y., Hu, Y., Hall, C.A., Wang, J.L. The Chinese Oil Industry: History and Future. Springer, 2013.
44) 冯连勇, 王建良, 王月. 峰值的幽灵:能源枯竭与文明的危机.北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2013.
1) 2015年中国石油大学(北京)校优秀博士论文;
8)担任AAPG Bulletin、Energy、Fuel、Applied Energy、Energy Policy、Review of Industrial Organization、Economic Modelling、Energy Economics、Royal Society Open Science、Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy、系统工程理论与实践等国际SCI和SSCI期刊审稿人;
9)荣获Elsevier授予的Applied Energy、Economic Modelling、Energy Economics、Energy Policy、RCR、Energy六个期刊“Outstanding reviewer”